Intimate dialogue between two poised between past and present,a story of a past falling in love and the devastation that greatpassions inevitably entail, a ring of the heart for those two whohad experienced “a boundless and wasted love.” Unexpectedinteractions between everyday and dream transcend and take onbody and voice with Luca Barbareschi as Alessandro betweenthe dilemma of “being” or “being there” and Chiara Noschese’sMaria “with her joy of existing and her sadness of being nowhere.”They fight, they communicate and do not communicate, they poke,they juggle, they duet, to the notes of the unreleased score by thetalented musician Marco Zurzolo, performed live by the author andhis band. It is a way to give back to the audience an eclipsed pieceof Gaberi’s extraordinary and vast production, a personal tributeof Barbareschi to his friend Giorgio, a quest of the director-actor toreturn to tell his story through the private, to fly dreamily betweenmusic and words, a reality love show, sung, danced, acted