Il sogno del maratoneta

eliseo entertainment fiction il sogno del maratoneta leone pompucci dorando pietri 2012
Regia: Leone Pompucci
Prodotto da: Casanova Multimedia, Rai Fiction
Con: Luigi Lo Cascio, Laura Chiatti, Dajana Roncione, Alessandro Haber, Andy Luotto, Fabio Fulco, Roberta Rovelli, Enrico Salimbeni, Pippo Delbono, Roberto Nobile

The epic feat of Italian marathon runner Dorando Pietri, who fromsmall Carpi participated in the 1908 London Olympics. The story ofa farmers’ son with a passion for running, of a man torn betweentwo women, of an athlete at war with the world, of a country thatseeks its redemption. The little Italian boy who challenges the greatinternational athletes and beats them. A tragic victory becauseDorando for the immense effort that the marathon imposes risks hislife; a temporary victory because he was accused of being helpedby some race judges, he was later disqualified. A symbolic victory,because the images of his last metres in the stadium have become amyth. Dorando will know how to take his revenge and find his place(also sentimental) in the world.



Miglior Produzione Televisiva al XVII International Tv Festival di Bar (Montenegro) 2012; PREMIO ROMAFICTIONFEST al miglior prodotto per la categoria MINISERIE (al produttore e al broadcaster); Luigi Lo Cascio e Leone Pompucci sono stati premiati al XXXIX Premio Internazionale Ennio Flaiano rispettivamente come miglior attore e miglior regista.

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