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On the hottest afternoon of the century, the fates of a referee whoescaped the Holocaust, a center forward awaiting rebirth, a captainwho has made a revolution, a photojournalist with no masters, agoalkeeper considered boiled, a midfielder with painted shoes, atechnical commissioner with a pipe, and an envoy who was notinvited cross paths. They all find themselves at the World Cup inSpain at the moment Italy meets Brazil.It is the last game before the semifinals. To get there, the SouthAmericans only need a point. On their side they have beauty, praise and prediction. As well as the cheerfulness. For the Azzurri, on the other hand, locked in their silence and at war with the World, it’s a challenge bordering on the impossible. The sun is still high, the stadium is full, the epilogue seems written. Gianni Brera and MarioVargas Llosa have already done it in the newspapers. And the entire press room at the Sarrià. None of them can imagine that that will be the greatest match ever played on a soccer field.They all share the same blood and harbor unmentionable secrets.To know them, however, one must follow from the beginning the threads that led them to that July 5, 1982 inside Barcelona’s Sarriá Stadium. It will be there that the match will be played. But the one between the two teams will not be the only one. Each of these men is playing his own game: against adverse conditions, his own limitations, the time left.