Pietro Mennea

eliseo entertainment fiction pietro mennea Ricky Tognazzi 2015
Regia: Ricky Tognazzi
Prodotto da: Casanova Multimedia, Rai Fiction
Con: Michele Riondino, Luca Barbareschi, Elena Radonicich, Gianmarco Tognazzi, Lunetta Savino, Alice Bellagamba

TV miniseries in two 100’ episodes for Rai Uno made by CasanovaMultimedia for Rai Fiction. Pietro Mennea is the greatest sprintergreatest sprinter in the history of Italian athletics, world recordholder world record in the 200 metres flat from 1979 to 1996with a time of 19:72, still the European record, gold medallist inthe speciality at the 1980 Moscow Olympics. Born into a modestfamily, legend has it that as a child Mennea gained fame in thecity by racing against the ‘big cars’ of the richer guys: no AlfaRomeo or Ferrari could hold a candle to him, Pietro in speed heburnt them all. This is the beginning of one of the most winningeststories in Italian sport, with a collection of medals that from theMediterranean Games through to the European, World andOlympics, where he was the first to compete in four consecutivefinals. Virtually undefeated from the Montreal 1976 Games tothose Moscow 1980, of each Olympiad he remembered withpleasure the historical and geopolitical context that accompaniedthem. His record, that of the 200 metres flat, became a record inits ownremained unbeaten for 17 years at world level and still standingtoday as the European record. This great champion has madevalues and ethical principles linked to sport his flag. At thebeginning of his career he was passed on a lesson that he wouldnever abandon over the years: against the enemy one fights, withthe opponent one competes. And the competition implies loyaltyand respect. The fiction, produced by Casanova Multimedia isaimed both at a young audience that who know little about historyand have heard so many times about the great champion perhapsfrom their parents or from books, as well as to a more matureaudience that has lived through the years of the narrative. At thecentre of it all is sport, an educational medium par excellence asas it is rich in rules that induce respect for the adversary even incompetitive confrontation

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