Adriano was only eleven when he first entered the family business.On the death of his father, after the Second World War, hebecomes the leader of Olivetti.His innovative and inspired leadership destabilizes workers andtrade unionists, board members and opposing entrepreneurs. Thebusiness trend is more than positive.The Letter 22 typewriter becomes a symbol of Italy in the worldand is exhibited at the MoMA in New York. Disagreements inthe family grow until he is forced to leave the leadership of thecompany to his younger brother. Outside the factory, Adriano isdedicated to the establishment of communities, small rural centresof solidarity and ethical production.The premature death of his brother forces him to take back thereins of the company. With Grazia at his side, his very youngwife, Adriano faces the betrayal of Mauro, his longtime friend.Against all odds, Adriano opens a factory in Pozzuoli, in thedepressed south and in need of work. But the hatred of enemiesgrows, and Olivetti experiences moments of difficulty. While theinnovative project of the first computer is already well advanced,Adriano is negotiating the purchase of Underwood, an Americancompany leader in the typewriter market. The deal is alreadysigned when it turns out to be a trap.But suddenly Adriano dies, unable to attend the recovery phasesof the company and the growth of his beloved little Laura, hisdaughter born after his marriage to Grazia.