Paradiso 2.0

Eliseo-Entertainment_Teatro_PARADISO-2.0 manifesto
Regia: Nicoletta Robello Bracciforti
Prodotto da: Teatro Eliseo
Di: David Javerbaum
Con: Roberto Ciufoli, con Beppe Chierici, Michele Sinisi

The protagonist of this very young play by David Javerbaum (it debuted on Broadway in May 2015 with the performance of TV starJim Parsons only to be entrusted in Italy to the wonderfully talented comedian Roberto Ciufoli.) is Himself, the Lord of All Things, the BigShot, God Himself. A God who, though technologically advanced, comes straight out of the Old Testament, with his charge of violence and indifference, but instead of manifesting himself in the form of a burning bush, he chooses the guise of a television-famous comedian. Accompanied by two winged angels-Gabriel, one with a Gutenberg Bible announcing the new divine dictate, and Michael, who with a microphone intercepts questions from the audience members in the audience, returns to earth to announce to Mankind his new 10 commandments so as to put “forever an end to all uncertainty about what I really desire from humanity and which has caused so much bitterness and hatred among you over the millennia-all of which I have found very flattering. Again, thank you. It meant a lot to me

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